"Holmes Finance" can help with...

  • Mortgage and investment Finance.
  • Refinance including a Mortgage ‘Health Check’.
  • Superannuation and Financial Planning
  • Wealth Creation and Property Investment
  • Accounting

We help you to make sense of the mortgage maze!

Your very own "Holmes Finance" finance professional enables you to promptly gain a clear understanding of all your financial options – including how you can achieve the best possible outcome for you, how long it might take and of course, we find the best loan that suits your personal circumstances.

Whether you are a first home buyer, refinancing an existing loan or buying an investment property, more and more Australians turn to a "Holmes Finance" finance professional to source the best home loan products for them. We do all the hard work for you. It’s that simple.

With "Holmes Finance"

  • We get your money fast!
  • We deal with not just the Big 4!
  • We give you free and fast assessments!

Contact Us

"Holmes Finance" will show you how to

"Holmes Finance" allows you to promptly gain a clear understanding of all your financial options including how you might achieve the best outcome for your needs, how long it might take and potential fees and charges.

"Holmes Finance" services are provided in order to give you a 'one-stop' answer to all of your financial and investment questions. So, if you require one product or an integrated range of financial solutions, "Holmes Finance" can help you with the right solutions.

Put more money in your pocket

"Holmes Finance" specialise in Lending, accounting, taxation, investment and finance advice, we have the knowledge, experience and resources to help you to manage every aspect of your personal, family and business finances.

"Holmes Finance" draw on our expertise in personal business advice, taxation and accounting, self managed super, lending and financial planning services to empower individuals and businesses to see what’s possible, explore financial options and choose a solution with the best fit for you.

"Holmes Finance" represents a wide range of lenders and provides you with the opportunity to compare and customise your financial structure to meet your financial and lifestyle objectives.